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my name is Darek




Music: Bensound Videos: Pexels Pixabay
About Me
Something about myself
About Me


Hi, my name is Darek. I live in Warsaw, Poland.

I am educated in economics and I work in the field of banking.

I am interested in IT, specifically: programming, web design and development (front-end).

My Hobbies

Economics, finance, banking, financial markets (forex, technical analysis), IT, politics, international economical and political relations, history of the 20th century, smooth, funk and acid jazz, pop, soundtracks, trips to historical places, bicycle riding, roller skating.

If you wanna change the world :)

What Can I Do

BankingClick to see more

Favourite videos[click below to click again to ]

YouTube iconCapital requirements explained

YouTube iconFinalising Basel III - Highlights

YouTube iconBasel IV explained

Banking regulations

Financial markets


  • Banking
    • Internal capital assessment by banks and investment firms [eForum]
    • Operational risk studies [eForum]
    • Market risk management [E&Y]
    • The most important issues of risk management in bank activity [WIB]
    • The principles of internal control, audit and compliance in banks [WIB]
    • Payment services directive (PSD) [MCDK]
    • Electronic money directive [MCDK]
    • Regulation on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories [Deloitte]
  • Financial Markets
    • Fundamentals of stock exchange trades [SGH / GPW]
    • Advanced technical and fundamental analysis [X-Trade Brokers]
    • Technical analysis [TMS Brokers]
    • Conferences: Derivatives 2006, Central & eastern european market forum 2007 and 2008, Brokerage houses forum [GPW]
    • Preparations for the securities broker license exam [KNF-PFSA]
  • Management Accounting
    • Advanced Financial Analysis & Valuation Modelling [Amman, Jordan]
    • CIMA studies (The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) [United Kingdom]
    • Financial and Management Accounting Fundamentals Course [BPP]

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ITClick to see more

Favourite videos[click below to click again to ]

YouTube iconLearn how to program a computer

YouTube iconSteve Jobs on programming

YouTube iconProgrammer's Life :)

Programming languages

  • HTML 5
    • level of proficiency:
    • areas: structure, tags, attributes, text, lists, tables, forms, links, multimedia
  • CSS 3
    • level of proficiency:
    • areas: inheritance, selectors, text, positioning, layout, flexbox, box model, color, background, gradients, buttons, menus, images, transform, transition, animation, svg, canvas, RWD (viewport, fluid layout, grid, content, text, images, navigation, media queries, frameworks)
  • Bootstrap
    • level of proficiency:
    • areas: containers, grid system, typography, tables, images, jumbotron, well, alerts, buttons, labels, progress bars, pagination, lists, menus, navigation bars, forms, carousels, modals, tooltips, spinners
  • JavaScript
    • level of proficiency:
    • areas: syntax (comments, semicolons, brackets, reserved words, operators, statements (conditions, switch, loops)), variables, scope, hoisting, data types (numbers, dates and times, strings, booleans), arrays, objects (properties, methods, prototypes, bom, dom), html / css elements, events (listeners, event flow, event object, types of events), functions (scope, anonymous, function declaration / function expression, IIFE, callbacks, closures, function call, nesting), regular expressions, forms, popup boxes, filtering / searching / sorting, cookies, ajax, json, APIs, error handling & debugging, coding conventions
  • jQuery
    • level of proficiency:
    • areas: jQuery alias, chaining, selectors, get / set data, callback functions, event handling, effects (fading / sliding), animation, DOM, forms, box dimensions, plugins, jQuery UI

Programming tools

  • Code editors
    • Visual Studio Code, Notepad++
  • Ph-shop, Gimp
    • level of proficiency:
    • areas: basic image edits (crop, resize, rotate), selections, layers, masks, brushes, shapes, text
  • Git, GitHub
    • level of proficiency:
    • areas: Locally (init, add, commit, status, diff, checkout, ignore, reflog, tag, stash), Branching and merging (branch, checkout, merge, cherry picking, rebase), Remotes (clone, remote, push, pull, fetch), GitHub (fork, pull request, github pages, wiki, issues), Other (conventions, workflows, code repositories, gui)

Web resources

Learning sources

  • BooksClick to see the list of all books
    • HTML5 & CSS3:
      • Coding for Dummies, Nikhil Abraham
      • HTML5: The Missing Manual, Matthew MacDonald
      • HTML & CSS, John Duckett
      • Web Development Design Foundations with HTML5, Terry Felke-Morris
      • CSS: The Missing Manual, David Sawyer McFarland
      • HTML5 & CSS3. The Complete Manual
      • CSS3 For Dummies, John Paul Mueller
      • Beginning HTML5 & CSS3 For Dummies, Ed Tittel Chris Minnick
      • Head First HTML and CSS, Elisabeth Robson and Eric Freeman
    • RWD:
      • Jump Start Responsive Web Design, Craig Sharkie Andrew Fisher
      • Responsive Web Design, Ethan Marcotte
      • Flexbox for Responsive Web Design, Harvey Berman
      • Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3, Ben Frain
      • Beginning Responsive Web Design with HTML5 CSS3, Jonathan Fielding
    • JS:
      • Coding with JavaScript For Dummies, Chris Minnick and Eva Holland
      • JavaScript Absolute Beginner’s Guide, Kirupa Chinnathambi
      • Head First JavaScript Programming, Eric Freeman Elisabeth Robson
      • JavaScript and jQuery, John Duckett
      • JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual, David Sawyer McFarland
    • jQuery:
      • Head First jQuery, Ryan Benedetti and Ronan Cranley
      • jQuery. A Beginner’s Guide, John Pollock
      • jQuery: Novice to Ninja, Earle Castledine and Craig Sharkie
    • Bootstrap:
      • Introducing Bootstrap 4, Jörg Krause
      • Bootstrap, Jake Spurlock
      • Jump Start Bootstrap, Syed Fazle Rahman
    • Sass:
      • Beginning CSS Preprocessors, Anirudh Prabhu
      • Jump Start Sass, Hugo Giraudel and Miriam Suzanne
      • Sass for Web Designers, Dan Cederholm
    • Git:
      • GitHub Essentials, Achilleas Pipinellis
      • Jump Start Git, Shaumik Daityari
      • Introducing GitHub, Peter Bell and Brent Beer
      • Pro Git 2, Scott Chacon and Ben Straub
      • Learn Git in a Month of Lunches, Rick Umali
      • Git Essentials, Ferdinando Santacroce
      • Git: Version Control for Everyone, Ravishankar Somasundaram
      • Getting Good with Git, Andrew Burgess
    • Grunt:
      • Getting Started with Grunt: The JS Task Runner, Jaime Pillora
      • Automate with Grunt, Brian P. Hogan
      • Mastering Grunt, Daniel Li
      • Pro Grunt.js, James Cryer
    • Photoshop, Gimp:
      • Photoshop CC: The Missing Manual, Lesa Snider
      • Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop Elements 13, Richard Wentk
      • How Do I Do That In Photoshop? Scott Kelby
      • Photoshop Elements 13: The Missing Manual, Barbara Brundage
      • GIMP for Absolute Beginners, Jan Smith, Roman Joost
      • The Artist’s Guide to GIMP, Michael J. Hammel
      • Instant GIMP Starter, Fazreil Amreen
      • Pro Photo Colorizing with GIMP, Phillip Whitt
    • Wordpress:
      • WordPress Web Design For Dummies, Lisa Sabin-Wilson
      • WordPress For Dummies, Lisa Sabin-Wilson
      • Head First WordPress, Jeff Siarto
      • WordPress To Go, Sarah McHarry
      • WordPress 24-Hour Trainer, George Plumley
      • WordPress: The Missing Manual, Matthew MacDonald
    • Agile, Scrum:
      • The Art of Scrum, Dave McKenna
      • Scrum, Adam Vardy
      • Head First Agile, Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Greene
      • Scrum: Novice to Ninja, M. David Green
      • The Agile Samurai, Jonathan Rasmusson
      • Introduction to Agile and Scrum, Kallori Vikram
      • Scrum For Dummies, David Morrow, Mark Layton
    • Coding:
      • Front-end Developer Handbook 2019
      • Junior Developer, Mateusz Kupilas
      • Getting a Web Dev Job For Dummies, Kathleen Taylor, Bud Smith
      • How I Learned to Code, Christopher R Dodd
      • How to become an expert software engineer, Marcus Tomlinson
      • Getting a Coding Job For Dummies, Nikhil Abraham
      • The Pragmatic Programmer, Andrew Hunt, David Thomas

Click to see more

LanguagesClick to see more

  • Flag of the United KingdomEnglish - advanced
    • 80%
    • "Certificate of Progress" (level: upper intermediate) of Oxford House College in London awarded after the completion of the "Conversation/Pronunciation" summer course at the Oxford House College [London, United Kingdom]
    • SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ Certificate (final note: very good)
    • Practical experience gained during summer student jobs preformed during the Work & Travel in the USA Student Exchange Program
    • Practical experience gained during performing duties at work
  • Flag of GermanyGerman - basic
    • 20%
  • Flag of PolandPolish - native
    • 100%

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Interpersonal Skills

  • Hard-working
  • Eager to learn new things
  • Disciplined
  • Detail-oriented
  • Patient
  • Shares knowledge and helps others
My work history

KNF-Polish Financial Supervision Authority

Regulations Development Department

Senior Specialist

November 2009 - Present

Scope of duties: ...Click to see more

  • preparation and update of banking prudential regulations, including:
    • analysis of the changes introduced in the Basel IV Accord
    • taking part in consultations of the CRD V / CRR II package
    • consultations and implementation of the CRD IV / CRR package to the Polish law (amendment of the Banking Act, preparation of draft Ministry of Finance regulations, update of the PFSA website concerning the CRD IV / CRR package)
    • preparation of a draft of the KNF-PFSA's Recommendation Z on internal governance in banks
    • review of a draft of the KNF-PFSA's Recommendation of corporate governance for supervised institutions
  • interpretation of banking prudential regulations for KNF-PFSA, supervised entities and other bodies
  • participation in international institutions' (EU, EBA, ESMA) banking prudential regulations activities (eg. surveys, requests from other supervisors)
  • cooperation with the supervised entities concerning banking prudential regulations
  • analysis of regulatory issues important for the banking system and individual supervised entities
  • opinions on applications for authorization to provide payment services as a domestic payment institution

Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX) / Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW)

Individual Investor, Technical Analyst, Trader

June 2007 - October 2009

Scope of duties: ...Click to see more

  • trading on FOREX market - currencies, indexes, commodities
  • trading on Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW)
  • with the use of the classical and advanced technical analysis of price movements (geometry of the markets, Elliott wave theory)

Deloitte Business Consulting S.A.

Financial Transformations Department

Business Analyst II

June 2006 - May 2007

Scope of duties: ...Click to see more

  • Development of cost allocation models with the use of the Activity Based Costing methodology

Andersen Business Consulting S.A.

Financial Transformations Department

Experienced Consultant

February 2004 - May 2006

Scope of duties: ...Click to see more

  • Implementation of projects based on the Value Based Management methodology:
    • analysis of Shareholders Value Added (SVA) indicators
    • dividend policy design
    • monitoring of Group's financial settlements
    • analysis of various restructurization initiatives in the Group

Towarzystwo Obrotu Nieruchomościami "Agro" S.A.

Financial Analyst

April 2003 - October 2003

Scope of duties: ...Click to see more

  • gathering information concerning the current macroeconomic situation, as well as creation of reports about the situation in the real estate and construction sector
  • finding solutions for the mutual settlement of the financial relations in the Group
  • preparation and verification of documents concerning the future strategy of the Group
  • analysis of the possible ways of benefiting from the EU funds

Work & Travel in the USA
Student Exchange Program

Student Summer Jobs

June 2000 - September 2000, June 2001 - September 2001

Scope of duties: ...Click to see more

  • June 2001 - September 2001
    • Sheraton Studio City Hotel (Orlando, Florida, USA)
    • Food Service Employee / Room Attendant
  • June 2001 – September 2001
    • Swensen's / Wetzel's Pretzels Restaurant (Orlando, Florida, USA)
    • Waiter / Seller
  • June 2000 – September 2000
    • Six Flags New England Amusement Park (Agawam, Massachusetts, USA)
    • Food Service Host
Schools, trainings

SGH Warsaw School of Economics (University)

Major: Finance and Banking

Certificate: International Financial Markets

Type of studies: Master of Arts

Years: 1997-2002

Major: International Economical and Political Relations

Certificate: European Union

Type of studies: Master of Arts

Years: 1997-2002

LXXVIII Liceum Ogólnokształcące
im. Marii Pawlikowskiej-Jasnorzewskiej (High School)

Profile: mathematics-physics

Years: 1993-1997

Welcome to SGH !

My projects